
Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV)

Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV)


As the trusted global leader in digital hot water solutions, Armstrong is at the forefront of technology and innovation. Armstrong introduced digital hot water temperature control to the world with the ground breaking Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV), ‘The Brain’ and they consistently bring the most advanced capabilities available anywhere. As a stand-alone DRV or a pre-piped digital mixing center, The Brain® improves the performance of hot water systems that use all types of water heating technologies.)

The Brain simplifies your hot water system to deliver unparalleled accuracy, stability and safety. It offers programable temperature alerts and a program to promote compliance with recommended Legionella guidelines

The Brain analyses data to track behaviour and performance as an integral component of a hot water system operation. Following a standard of care with it, we can minimize the risk of scald injury, Legionella-related illness and the associated litigation.

The ability to very accurately, deliver tempered water at 52˚C to the entire hot water network greatly reduces the risk of scalding from every fixture. This can remove the requirement for thermostatic mixing valves (TMV’s). Eliminating TMV’s from bathrooms reduces room entry necessary for maintenance, which, in the case of hotels can cause revenue loss, or in hospitals increase risk of bringing dirt and bacteria into the medical space. Even if the decision is to use TMV’s by limiting the hot water temperature to the fixture, increased safety is guaranteed in the event of a TMV failure.

Industry Leading Temperature Control

  • Hot water always within specification
  • Fast – full stroke in 1.5 seconds
  • Flexible – over-sizing not an issue
  • Better hot water control improves performance of POU mixers
  • Predictable


  • +/- 1°C control at all flows
  • 0.5°C minimum system temperature loss


  • Component self – diagnostics
  • Programmable set points & alerts
  • Programmable Thermal disinfection


  • Over temperature shutoff
  • Power failure shutoff
  • Emergency mode

The advantage, to the owner of eliminating or reducing the number of TMV’s in the building, is that the cost of installing the hot water system is greatly reduced -often by around 50%

Circulating the hot water around the building at 52˚C , rather than 60˚C, saves energy – by reducing the heat losses in the hot water loop and thus the cooling load on the building.

With integrated systems (The Brain, solar water heaters, heat pumps, calorifiers, & boilers) for generating hot water, now common , maintaining accurate temperature control can often be difficult. The installation of Brain between the hot water generation plant and the user is an intelligent system operation protocol that will always ensure the comfort and safety of users and from every bathroom fixture.

Legionella Growth Chart Bacteria is dormant but alive below 68°F (20°C)
Hot water systems need to maintain at least 122°F (50°C).
Source: US OSHA

Armstrong understands the legionella guidelines, and how to apply them and ensure compliance with regulations and standards of care for hot water temperature control limits.

Legionella Bacteria

WAFI Hotel Complex & Mall Expansion Dubai


Swiss International School, Dubai

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